Monday, October 8, 2012

7 Weeks

It is so hard to find time to post! The first three posts I wrote the first two days I found out I was pregnant.  This is the first chance since then I have had to sit down and write a post.  Week five consisted of no morning sickness so I was worried that I felt so "normal".  That quickly changed by week six.  It feels like a constant hangover.  Not fun.  I have been able to resist nausea meds and just suck it up but I have gotten very close.  I have it in my purse in case I really need it.  It is hard to teach full time and then go to work part time, followed by Junior League or bible study in the evenings.  Not much time to feel bad, blog or breathe.

Right now hands and feet are emerging from Bebo's developing arms and legs.  He/she has doubled in size since last week and now measures half an inch long. Bebo's eyelid folds are partially covering her eyes, which already have some color.  Tiny veins are below his/her very thin skin.  Both hemispheres of the brain are growing, and liver is churning out red blood cells until bone marrow forms and takes over this role.  An appendix and a pancreas have already formed which will eventually produce the hormone insulin to aid in digestion.

So much is going on inside baby Bebo.  No wonder I haven't been feeling all that well lately.  The sad thing is the only thing that makes me feel better is very bad foods.  I need to find a different remedy or I will be the size of a blimp in no time.

I found this questionnaire online and thought it was a cute way to keep everyone updated.

Pregnancy Update/Questionnaire (7 Weeks)
How far along? 7 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Ugh... about 4 lbs.  (Too early to start gaining weight, but this is due to not changing my diet and not running for three weeks.  Hopefully this will change quickly since I have slowly started running again).

Maternity clothes? Nope.

Stretch marks? Nope. Not even showing yet. 

Sleep: So tired ALL THE TIME!  Wake up to use the restroom at least once a night!  

Best moment this week: hearing my baby's strong heartbeat at our first visit. Such a sweet and touching moment for both mommy and daddy. 

Have you told family and friends: YES! We told them early.

Movement: Nope, again still too small (size of a raspberry by the way!)

Food cravings: As of now, burgers, carbs and cheese! (NO GOOD!) Oh and pumpkin makes me very nauseas... WHAT?

Anything making you queasy or sick: Oops, jumped the gun there.  PUMPKIN. Just thinking about a bunch of different things... so weird.  Coffee BLAH! (I suck it up and drink a cup in the morning anyway for my sanity).

Have you started to show yet: Well possibly, but I think I am just getting fat.  Very bloated no doubt.

Gender prediction: we will find out (if baby cooperates) the week of December 10th!  No telling right now.  We would be thrilled with either.

Belly Button in or out? in. Hopefully it stays that way but I hear there is not much I can do about it. 

Wedding rings on or off? On! :)  Hopefully it will stay that way too. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Well I have my days of feeling really down about my changing body, but then I remind myself that I have a sweet baby inside of me and it will all be worth it. I can worry about my body after. All the matters right now is that I have a healthy baby.  :)  Happy most of the time though.

Weekly Wisdom: Listen to your body.  It knows what it needs and doesn't. 

Milestones: We met baby Barnes for the first time last Wednesday.  Healthy heartbeat and baby!! We decided to take the chance and share our excitement with the world that night!  Everyone is so excited for us and cannot wait to meet baby Barnes! :)

1 comment:

  1. Well, you made me cry like five times over the last few posts. You can't imagine the joy of a mama watching her baby become a mama. Sweet circle of life! Love you so, Mom
